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By: Null of Undefined
August 24 2020

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Sucker for Love: First Date

Sucker for Love: First Date

steam, vn, horror, monster, gore, romance, scifi, pc, adventure, dating sim

Sucker For Love

Skip Straight to the Horny Parts

If you're looking for the review of the full game, click here


The Cutest of the Elder Horrors

Sucker For Love is a cosmic-horror-romance VN created by ChromatoseDev and published by Dread X in the Dread X Collection 2 in August 2020. Sucker For Love is one of 12 games that come in the collection, but this review will not be covering the other 11 games, as I'm too afraid to play them.

title card

You are a young man who was become obsessed with the occult. After years of trying you've finally got your hands on the book you need. The book that tells you how to summon Ln'eta, date her, and ultimately, kiss her.

I'm sorry jon

Like many people my age, I once thought HP Lovecraft was the greatest author ever, and then grew to hate him for his bigotry, and then begrudgingly accept that his stories are integral to the canon of cosmic horror. So with that appreciation I was very excited when I saw Sucker For Love. I love weird dating sims (such as Hatoful Boyfriend and Date University, the Venture Bros dating game). This game is incredibly cute, and has a lot of character. Ln'eta is perky, and scary, and I legit became invested in getting that kiss.

Borat Voice: MY WIFE

The core gameplay is reading your ritual book, and interacting with objects in your room to make the correct preparations. If you fail, you will get a bad ending and return to the last checkpoint. I failed a couple of times on purpose to see if the story forked, but as long as you have good reading comprehension, Sucker For Love is very easy. And that's okay, because the point isn't to try and outsmart you, it's to deliver a cute story in which you get to smooch an elder god.

your betentacled hand

As the story progresses the world gets darker and darker, but you grow closer to Ln'eta. Your spells will bring her into the world and end all existence, but if you do what she says she'll kill you before you cease to exist. Worth it imo. The world could definitely use a reset and I wanna kiss a mommy-god. Shortly after you start performing rituals you see that there is a spell to sent Ln'eta home. If you linger on it too long, she will become displeased.

just looking at a book mom

uh oh...

Close to the end things start to get spooky. There are a few screamer jump scares and spooky imagery. This is where I started to get worried because while I love horror movies and books, I absolutely cannot stomach horror games. Especially alone at 2am and high. Luckily the spookfactor stays below a 2, and things end before it gets too scary.


Horny Parts

This game is honestly more romantic that horny. I figured that going in because it honestly didn't seem like a lewd vn, but closer to something like Helltaker, where there isn't anything outright horny, but horniness is always waiting in the wings. Like a phantom, tugging on the sand bags of lewdity, but always out of sight. Hidden, and ready.


She's thicc and sexy

yes please

Horniest Part

The Kiss

Alright so it's not the horniest thing that I've reviewed on this site, but technically, it counts.




The only complaint I have about this game is that its too short. It was cute, fun, and inventive. I'm definitely looking out for what ChromatoseDev makes next. Maybe someday I'll play the other games in this anthology, but if they don't let you date the monsters, I'm really not interested.

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