Skip Straight to the Horny Parts
18 Years of anticipation
SNK Heroines is a 2v2 all woman fighting game made by creators of some of the best arcade games of all time, SNK. A successor to SNK Gals' Fighter, this game plays like most other SNK fighters, but with the controls greatly simplified.
After blacking out, the SNK Heroines wake up in a mysterious mansion, with even more mysterious outfits. Everyone has had their classic costumes removed, and replaced with various sexy costplays. Additionally Terry Bogard (of Smash Bros fame) is here, but has been magically gender swapped into a hottie. A mysterious man seems to be pulling the strings and the only way to solve this mystery is to... y'know... fight.
The combat in SNK Heroines is pretty standard for SNK fighters, with a few key differences. First of all, winning isn't as simple as draining the other fighter's life. Once they're low enough, and you have enough meter, you have to perform a 'Dream Finish' to win the round. These aren't complicated to do at all, it's just R on a pro controller, but your timing has to be right or you'll miss or get blocked. If the enemy blocks your Dream Finish, it's very easy for them to counter with their own. I'm not a fan of this mechanic because it makes the way that matches go very samey and predictable. You fight for a while until the game says "Okay you're allowed to try and win now" and then you bait out an attack so you can punish with your finish. All characters have their own finisher, but they each have only one. In street fighter when you bait into a super finish, it's really exciting, but imagine if that was something you had to do every round, of every game, forever. It gets old and boring pretty quickly. Especially since the finishers are mostly just a face zoom and then some normal looking attacks.
Each fight is 2v2 with one fighter as support and one as attacker. The support has a set of items that they'll throw onto the field that you can use to give you an edge. The way it's executed is pretty sloppy though, and it kind of just feels like random power ups. I understand they wanted a way to give underdogs the upper hand, but in my experience playing with other people, if a player could really use an item to get the upper hand, they usually aren't experienced enough to know how to use it. These items are often just used for the people winning to continue to style on the people losing. You can swap out the active fighter to your support character, which is good to do when you're low on health, but it's a little disappointing that there isn't really a swap animation. Your character glows for a second and then is magically replaced with your other character. No marvel or DBZ style character swaps.
It's possible to play on fightstick, but this game actually requires more than 6 buttons to properly play, so I wasn't able to use my favorite 6button stick.
And finally, the characters feel lost in the stage. It's really difficult to see who is hitting who, where attacks begin and end, or even where the character begins and the stage ends.
The following is a list of Horny components in this game, in order from least horny to most horny.
Hot Characters Fighting
Fighting games have the horniest characters. That's just a fact. This game has a lot of them.
JoJo Xehanort
He's got great moves, and is also the boss in charge of everything. His character art may not be horny, but his horniness is literally the plot of the whole game.
Miss X
Miss X is a DLC character that's just Iori Yagami from King of Fighters in disguise.
In Story Mode The Characters Get Trapped When You Beat Them
JoJo Xehanort is using you to beat up the other girls so that he can trap them and use them to achieve his goals.
The Ending Cards
When you beat the story with certain combinations of characters, you'll unlock their ending pictures, which you can look at whenever you want in the gallery.
Yuri's Overalls Outfit
If you don't think this is insanely horny I don't know what to tell you. Overalls over nothing is amazing.
Gender Swapped Terry
She seems like the obvious choice, and that's for good reason. Everything from her reaction when she wakes up to a woman, to the cute outfit is just great. I know that there's 0 chance of femmeterry being an alt costume in Smash Bros, but I can dream... I can dream...
This game is for sure horny, but at the end of the day it just isn't fun to play. If it had a lot more fanservice to make it more interesting it might be salvageable, but as it is it's not really worth the time.
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