Skip Straight to the Horny Parts
More of the same, not that that's a bad thing...
HuniePop2: Double Date is the sequel to the well known lewd-game, HuniePop, which was one of the first lewd-games on Steam. It was developed and published by HuniePot, and released in February of 2021.
You're back again! Some new girls, some old. The fate of the world is in your hands! If you don't have enough threesomes, the Nymphojinn will destroy the world! So you head to the paradise of Inna De Poona to do what you must!
HuniePop 2 is a relatively standard match-3 type game. The only real difference from most others I've played is that you can move the icons the full width and height of the playfield. This added movement actually makes things harder though, as it's more difficult to see the ideal moves. Each time you're matched with two compatible girls, and you switch back and forth between them. The main goal is to fill up the passion meter while managing how many moves you have left, and how much stamina each girl has. Different tile combinations will increase the meter differently for each girl, and on top of that there are in-game items you can use to do things like change tile types, or automatically consume available tiles.
There are also light VN style interactions before each "date". Here you can talk to the girls to learn more about them (which grants you more moves), or give them items. Some items are specific to individual girls and increase their overall attraction to you, and others will do things like grant bonus passion or stamina.
Talking takes the form of either asking a question, or being asked a question. Picking the right option will net you "fruit" that you can use as currency to buy gifts. These talking sections are fully voiced, which is a plus in my book
You have to successfully date each pairing of girls 3 times to initiate a threesome. The order is somewhat random and each date is harder than the last. This is where things started to drag for me a bit. This game demands a lot of your time, for relatively little reward.
It just wouldn't be a HuniePop game if there wasn't a lot of really cavalier language around the topic of boning.
The Outfits
As you advance in the game you will unlock new outfits for the girls.
After you successfully complete the third date for a given pairing, you are rewarded with a still image of the pair in various compromising positions.
HuniePop 2 is fun, if a little demanding. I had to replay pairings fairly frequently, and several times I asked myself "is this really worth it for a still image?". Even completing the game gives you little more than a few still images of the Nymphojinn. The monotony, tied with the double whammy of only still images and a 20 dollar price tag, kept this game from really shining in the way I hoped it would. Pick it up if it's on sale but otherwise I'm not sure it's worth it.
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