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By: Null of Undefined
April 7 2020

The State of the Hornion Address, April 2020

the state of the hornion

Welcome to the SECOND ever State of the Hornion address! The purpose of this post is to provide horny.moe's readers with insight into what we've accomplished, changes to the site, and what we hope to do in the future. So without further ado...

What we've accomplished

This month we've published our first review written by an external person! Be sure to check out Sone's review of Lust for Darkness.

Make it Horny and Early Accsex posts! These are the first new types of articles other than reviews on the site. Early Accsex gives an overview and opinion on a game that isn't fully released yet, and Make It Horny is an overview of lewd mods for non-horny (or less-horny) games! You can expect more of both of these in the future.

Changes to the site

Since the beginning of this site, I've wanted a way to stream these games. The problem is Twitch has strict anti-horny laws that oppress us all. The solution? I built a streaming platform! You can check out livestreams over on the Stream page. This was built on a strict budget and is incredibly feature limited, but from now on when I'm playing a horny game for review I'll be streaming as well! This uses no existing streaming services, so I am not in danger of getting banned for streaming a game with a dick in it! This is definitely a beta, but the next thing I'll be working on is implementing chat. Unsure to have that be patrons only or not.

What we hope to do in the future

Now that streams are live, the goals are to:

  1. Continue posting reviews and other articles
  2. Improve the livestream to be more feature robust
  3. Continue pulling in writers from outside the walls of horny.moe to get new perspectives on horny games.

Parting Thoughts

Thanks so much for your continued support in growing this community. We are truly one big happy horny family.

If you have games to suggest, or just want to say hi, please tweet us @hornydotmoe. If you're a patron, be sure to talk to us in discord, we love hearing from you.

If you have editorials to pitch, email [email protected]

Thank you for reading.


Thank you so much for reading. Please consider following us on Bluesky or joining the Discord!